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We are currently experiencing a 98.8% average hit rate!
This depends on list size, our system reads and skip traces lists at a rate of 45 records a second!
Excitingly we have multiple data providers which we cross check through to make sure we get the most accurate data and fantastic hit rates!
Please note that all sales are final, and we do not offer refunds. We are committed to providing the highest quality service, and we encourage you to reach out with any questions or concerns prior to making a purchase to ensure the service aligns with your needs.
Upgrading your account offers substantial long-term savings and added value. By unlocking access to our premium pricing, you can significantly reduce your costs per skip traced record. The higher-tier account also comes with exclusive features! Upgrade here!
Anywhere in the United States!
Skip tracing is typically used for locating individuals who are difficult to find. It is often employed in industries like:
  • Real Estate: Real estate investors and wholesalers use skip tracing to find property owners, especially absentee owners or individuals in foreclosure, for off-market deals.
  • Legal Firms: Attorneys may use skip tracing to locate witnesses, defendants, or parties to legal proceedings who have failed to appear in court or moved without leaving a forwarding address.
  • Private Investigators: Private investigators employ skip tracing to gather information about individuals for legal or personal matters.
  • Insurance Companies: Some insurers use skip tracing to locate individuals involved in fraudulent claims or those avoiding claims settlements.
  • Debt Collection: Debt collectors use skip tracing to track down individuals who owe money but have become hard to locate.
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